
12. června 2020

Our school is connected to eduroam in SP mode

The alliance is an international project dealing with the support of mobility and roaming in national research and education networks (NREN). In the Czech Republic, the CESNET association covers this project. Our school / institution joined the project in 2020. This step was taken to increase the quality of the study and the prestige of our institution.

One account. Anywhere.

A registered subscriber can use this wireless network (wherever available) with one user account. The account is managed by the founding organization.
Using roaming is simple; a properly configured subscriber device connects automatically as soon as the eduroam network is available. It is similar to connecting to foreign networks of mobile operators within roaming. Hence the acronym: education roaming.
The service is free for all its participants.

Activation of eduroam account

Our school is connected only in SP mode, which means that users who have eduroam from another organization can join us.
Our students / staff cannot use eduroam.

Covered areas

Eduroam is broadcast in all areas of the school. Access to the school premises is possible on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Traffic filtering

Data traffic is filtered in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic.
There is no interference with the traffic of visitors with the exception of filtering outgoing SMTP traffic (TCP / 25). Use the services SMTPS (TCP / 465) or Submision (TCP / 587) to send mail.


Visitors with an eduroam account should seek support primarily at their home institution, ie the one that provides their account, or it is possible to contact the responsible person of our school (ICT coordinator) or call 596 612 102.
Přehled starších článků | Autor: ZŠ GEpiky | Počet přečtení: 1756x

Partneři naší školy


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Partneři naší základní školy Gen. Píky

Přepnout na mobilní verzi


Základní škola Ostrava
Gen. Piky 13A
příspěvková organizace
Ostrava, 702 00

IČ:     709 339 28
DIČ : CZ 709 339 28
IZO:   102 508 119
Tel.:   596 612 102
Fax:   596 637 257
ID datové schránky: 6vqmqrp

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